About Us
WB&E Construction, Inc. is located in Chesapeake, VA and is a Class A General Contractor specializing in utilities-related work with extensive experience in CCTV video inspection and rehabilitation of sanitary sewer lines and storm drains. WB&E is owned and operated by William L. Witt, Jr., who has over 40 years of experience in the utility construction and rehabilitation business. His firm has been incorporated in Virginia since December 1999, employs more than 40 employees and grosses ~ $4 Million in annual contracts serving the greater Hampton Roads area. WB&E successfully competes for both long-term and emergency repair contracts from local municipalities and authorities. Emergency contacts often require a quick response and short turn-around times. The turn-key approach utilized by WB&E allows us to respond quickly, complete work promptly and minimize the impact on pre-existing commitments and contacts. Much of WB&E's current workload is work-order driven. Four crews offer both specialized and redundant expertise and capabilities, enabling them to rotate between jobs for flexibility and efficiency.